Designing of Curriculum Model for Training Teacher Educator based on Competencie’s Reflective Practice

Document Type : Original Article


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3 Curriculum studies department, faculty of psychology and educational science, kharazmi university, Tehran, Iran

4 khU


The purpose of this study was to Designing of Curriculum Model for Training Teacher Educator based on Competencie’s Reflective Practice. Using the method (Integrative Inquiry: The Research Synthesis), the text of the documents and handwritten texts available from the great scholars, in the field of education, teacher training was studied and after analyzing the propositions extracted from the foundations of education, The themes of "multidimensional negligence, comprehensiveness and meditation, micro-development and metacognition, and experimental learning and action in the position" were extracted. In order to achieve such key characteristics in educators,"reaching out to experiencing, discovering new methods with direct experience, creating learning willingness and motivation, Enhancing personal and team capabilities "accomplishes goals and "Extension of educational concepts and principles of education, The desire to expand knowledge and experience of teachers, build new knowledge and align with humanities and ethics " Promotes theoretical knowledge and "to create individual abilities along with group collaboration, membership in the organization Disparity, Educational Situation Analysis and Expansion of Thinking in Action" Practical knowledge realization and "Evaluation for learning rather than learning assessment, feedback from evaluation, looking at the multiple questions of the curriculum and position-based assessment based on ethical and value orientations" will lead to the implementation of the evaluation method.


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