Constructing a Standardized Tool to Assess Effective Elementary Schools

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran

2 assisstant to associate ,Division of Research and Assessment Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Kharazmi University

4 Associate Professor, Department of Education, faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran

5 Assistant Professor, Curriculum Planning Department, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The present study seeks to develop and standardize a measurement tool for effective elementary schools. To this end, as the first step, 70 indicators were identified with reference to the related literature and the opinions of teachers and experts. In the second step, the opinions of 11 experts were employed to check the content validity. The construct validity was further examined based on the opinions of 643 public elementary school teachers in the city of Tehran, Iran, selected by two-stage cluster sampling method, using factor analyses. The reliability of the given tool was also determined through the test-retest method, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and the Omega index. The study results revealed that the developed measurement tool had desirable psychometric properties and it could be administered as a standardized instrument to assess the quality of effective elementary schools.


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