An Analysis of Physical Education Infrastructure in the Iranian Education System

Document Type : Original Article


1 phd candidate in sport management in Iislamic Azad University Isfahan (khorasgan)Branch

2 Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch, Tehran

3 Department of Curriculum Planning, Farhangian University, Isfahan, Iran


The purpose of this study was to analyze the infrastructure of physical education in the Iranian education system. The present research was applied in terms of purpose and is combined in terms of method. The statistical population included the experts in the field of physical education. The sampling was done purposefully through snowball technique and based on theoretical saturation criteria. The data collection tools were semi-structured interview and structural self-interaction matrix questionnaire. The data in the first phase were analyzed using the themes analysis method and the findings were categorized in the form of basic, organized and comprehensive themes and a network of themes was created. Also, using the interpretive structural model, the leveling of the infrastructures was done. The results showed that the infrastructure of physical education as a comprehensive theme includes 127 basic themes and 11 organizational themes that could be classified into 5 levels and sustainable financial infrastructure, administrative-managerial infrastructure and facilities infrastructure are the most basic infrastructures.


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