Teachers’ Perspective of how High School Mathematics is influenced by University Mathematics

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD candidate of Mathematics Education. Department of Mathematical Sciences. Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz . Ahvaz. Iran

2 Professor of Mathematics Education. Department of Mathematical Sciences.Shahid Beheshti University. Tehran. Iran


In recent years, a new construct called “School- Related Content Knowledge” has been introduced to the field to make connection between university mathematics and school mathematics. To better understand the relation between university and school mathematics, a study was designed and conducted with 19 upper secondary mathematics teachers, using qualitative methodology. The data collected from four different sources. By systematic reduction of the data, two categories emerged with of a number of sub-categories as “the ways in which, teachers use academic mathematics in their high school teaching” and “the gap between academic vs. high school mathematics” The study concluded that it is important to design specific mathematics courses that are content- based, different from both mathematics and all kinds of pedagogical courses that their main responsibility is to help prospective high school teachers to re- tailoring academic mathematics to better serve the purpose of high school mathematics. 


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