Death of the school or the Subject?

Document Type : Original Article




This article is an investigation of the role of the Iranian schooling system in educating and training the subject. It examines the question that what types of subjects, the Iranian modern school has been engendering in the contemporary era. Has the system been successful in producing the intended subject? Why?
Theoretically, this article is based on Michel Foucault’s concept of the modern subject. Methodologically, this research employs a genealogical approach, focusing on the historical interpretations of the subject status in the Iranian schooling system, in order to explain the current educational crisis in Iran.
The article defines four conceptual types of subject, including the civil subject, the modern subject, the religious subject, and the resistant subject, their status in Iranian educational politics and policy, and the barriers to realizing them. The article concludes that the Iranian schooling system is unable to educate and generate the subject. Therefore, I posit that the Iranian school institution is facing its end or death.


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