Evaluating the performance of ninth grade students in the math literacy test with emphasis on math textbooks

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of science,, shahid Rajaee teacher training university, Tehran

2 Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of ninth-grade students in the mathematical literacy test and review its results with emphasis on math textbooks. The population of this study is the ninth-grade students of Najafabad city and the sample is 250male and female students who have been selected by cluster random sampling method. The measurement tool is a test whose face and content validity was confirmed by experts. The reliability coefficient of the test was 0.73, which indicates its acceptable reliability. According to the results, students did not perform well in the mathematical literacy test and only 35% of them answered the questions correctly. Examining the contextual issues in junior high school math textbooks, it was found that one of the reasons for students' poor performance was the unrealistic and unfamiliar contextual issues of junior high school math textbooks and the use of repetitive processes in solving them. The results of this research can lead to revisions in textbooks, teacher training and assessment methods aimed at improving students' mathematical literacy.


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