A Comparative Study of the Effects of Participatory and Competitive Teaching Methods of Physical Education Course on Sports Participation of Girls with social physique anxiety: The Role of Self-Esteem Modifier

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Physical Therapy Management and Planning, Department of Physical Education, Tehran University, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Sports Management. Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sports Management ,. Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Students worry about how others will assess their physical appearance during exercise. The purpose of this study is to investigate participatory and competitive teaching on sports participation of female students with social physique anxiety. From 120 middle school students, cluster sampling and then randomly divided into three samples of 40 people. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and covariance with repeated measures and paired t-test, Box, Greenhouse-Geiser and Machley. In the pre-test and post-test, all individuals completed the Sports Motivation and Social Anxiety Questionnaire. After 14 sessions, a post-test was performed. The selected samples participated in a pre-test that included physical and motor fitness factors. Both competitive and participatory teaching methods were effective on students with limb anxiety, but the effect of participatory teaching is positive and stable. Although the competitive approach led to increased sports participation, it also increased anxiety. Collaborative teaching is more effective than competitive teaching in reducing social anxiety and increasing sports participation


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